The origin of clothing and the conditions of production have delightfully attracted increased attention during last years. In addition to use of ecological materials, there is a growing interest on other parts of sustainability as well.
Responsible production has been a basis for Vietto from the very start of a label, since 2007 when Vietto was founded. Products are designed to keep their attractiveness and last long in use, both esthetically and physically. In the early days, Vietto used mostly upcycled materials, and they still play a certain role in the production. As the business has increased, also other sources of ethical materials have been introduced.
All Vietto products are manufactured entirely in Finland. Most of the garments are sewn in small series as atelier work in Malminkartano, Helsinki. Subcontractor is dressmaker’s shop named Ompelimo M.Suvinen, where machines run with wind power. Vietto clothing is also sewn by a small company called Sik-Sak Tupa in Hattula.
The production chain of Vietto is completely transparent and production will be kept in Finland also in the case of expanding business. Short delivery distances and good relationships with retailers guarantee the flexibility. Delivery quantities are small, so the products are made only due to demand. Vietto is also able to fulfil customers’ hopes for little changes in measurements or other small modifications.

Minna Kaartinen, the designer of Vietto and dressmaker Maarit Suvinen in Fashion Revolution campaign picture.

Most of the organic cotton, bamboo/lycra and different kind of merino wool knits that Vietto uses are from Orneule. Merino wool is mulesing-free which means that it’s more ethical from the point of view of animal welfare.
Significant part of the materials consists of Finnish textile industry surplus fabrics. Those fabrics have been left over in clothing industry’s former production and are often too small amounts to be used in a bigger scale production. Vietto has found inventive ways to use left over fabrics and this has decreased the need to use totally new material.
So far, the only fabric that comes from abroad is the 100% hemp. The most ecological type of hemp, mechanically processed hemp fiber, is produced in Romania.
The brand new fibers based on recycled and cellulose materials are developing quickly and advancements are followed with big excitement. Vietto is ready to take new ecological materials into the production as soon as they appear in the market.

Vietto collection includes many different print products that have their very own distinctive style. Prints have got their inspiration e.g. from architecture, art and nature. Prints are designed by Minna Kaartinen in collaboration with Nina Kaartinen.
At the moment, all the prints are produced by Vietto using foil print method. Print is cut very precisely from the foil and then it’s pressed to the fabric with heat and pressure. This method allows vibrant colours and is also economical in material use. The foil material is made in France. Prints have proven to be very durable in use.